The Bowel Cancer Screening Programme
Practice News
Surgery Aims, Vision and Mission.
As a GP practice we aim to:
- Provide all patients in our area with a service that meets their individual medical needs within the constraints of our contractual obligations.
- Provide a clean, safe environment with facilities suitable for all users.
- To adhere to the highest standards of interaction with patients and staff and to assure that all patients, staff and visitors are offered dignity, respect and support in relation to their individual needs.
Our Vision is:
To provide excellent medical care to our patients by providing care effectively, safely and with dignity and respect with the cooperation and teamwork of all members of the practice team.
Our Mission is:
To achieve our vision by offering the highest standards of care to all our patients and to listen to their views and needs. To ensure that all staff employed by the practice are trained and competent to assist in the smooth and safe running of the practice for the benefit of all users.
Your next poo could save your life
We are supporting a London-wide campaign to encourage more patients to do their free NHS bowel cancer screening home test, which checks if you could have bowel cancer.
People who are the right age are sent a free NHS FIT (Faecal Immunochemical Test) kit every two years. You use it to collect a small sample of poo and post it back to an NHS lab.
The campaign by NHS London, “Your next poo could save your life”, urges more people to use their kit – a message we wholeheartedly endorse.
Screening can help prevent bowel cancer and find it at an early stage when it’s easier to treat. People who complete their screening are 25% less likely to die of bowel cancer.
The kits are for people with no symptoms and most people get the all-clear.
If you are aged 56, 58 (on or after 16 May 2022) or 60 to 74 and we have your correct address, you will be sent a kit every 2 years. Please use it. By April 2025, bowel cancer screening kits will be for everyone aged 50 to 74 in England.
To find out more and hear from other Londoners about their experience of bowel cancer screening, visit
If you have symptoms of bowel cancer which last for three weeks or more, please contact the practice and ask for an appointment.

More information about bowel cancer and bowel cancer screening:
Visit our cancer screening website at
Visit the NHS website at
Visit the Cancerbackup website at or call 0808 800 1234
Visit the CancerHelp website at
Visit the Bowel Cancer UK website at or call 08708 50 60 50
Visit the Beating Bowel Cancer website at or call 0208 892 5256