Clinics We Offer

In addition to general medical services the practice also provides the following services:
- NHS Health Check Clinic
- Flu Vaccinations
- New Patient Health Check Clinic
- Sexual Health Clinic
- Cervical Screening Clinic
- Antenatal & Post Natal Clinics
- Women’s Health Clinic
- Family Planning Clinic
- Long Term Condition Management Clinic
- Smoking Cessation Clinic
- Baby Clinic
- Bowel Screening

Antenatal/Postnatal care
We offer shared antenatal care with the Royal Free Hospital, the Whittington Hospital and University College Hospital. If you are pregnant please make an appointment to see one of the doctors who can discuss the options with you. You will be offered a post-natal check six weeks after delivery.

Baby Clinic
6-8 weeks baby checks and all immunisations done at the surgery except BCG. Please book 6-8 weeks with doctor well in advance as it needs double appointment. Immunisations can be booked in with the nurse as a single appointment.

Cervical Screening
If you are a woman, or someone with a cervix, you will be invited for cervical screening at regular intervals:
- If you’re aged 25-49, you’ll be invited every 3 years
- If you’re aged 50-64, you’ll be invited every 5 years
It is advisable you have regular cervical screenings, but ultimately, it is your choice whether you attend. If you’re due to have a cervical screening, you’ll receive a letter in the post. Don’t ignore it, book your cervical screening today.
You can book an appointment with our reception on 020 7263 9633.
If you can't make it during our opening hours you can book your cervical screening on a Saturday at one of the Camden GP Hubs by calling 020 7391 9979.

Contraception and Family Planning
Please come and see the doctor to discuss the various options available.
Follow up appointments can be with the nurse or one of the doctors.

Smoking Cessation Clinic
Please contact reception to make an appointment with an advisor.
Services offered include:
- Smoking cessation advice
- Face to Face support
- Carbon monoxide measuring
- Nicotine replacement medication